Our purpose

The Fraud Advisory Panel is the independent voice of the counter-fraud community.

We champion best practice in the prevention, detection, and deterrence of fraud, through the
promotion of education, collaboration and research.

Our members are united by a common concern about fraud and our vision:

A society that collaboratively prevents, detects and deters fraud and financial crime.

We work to achieve this through through the promotion of:

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Enhancing Awareness

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Our Corporate Members

Upcoming Events

Raising Awareness

Counter-fraud is more than just catching fraudsters. Our panel of speakers will look at prevention and awareness campaigns; how we run them, the language we use […]


We are delighted to welcome members and guests back in person to this year’s event. Members can choose to attend physically ‘in person’ or remotely via […]

What’s New?

An updated response to failure to prevent fraud offence

Under the current government proposal the failure to prevent fraud offence excludes a significant percentage of the business population. All businesses, whatever their size should have […]

Fraud Bulletin October 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-October-2023.pdf }}

Fraud Bulletin July 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-July-2023.pdf }}

Fraud Bulletin September 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-September-23.pdf }}